swiss valley
The opportunity arose in 1981 to purchase 44 acres of the valley to the east of Salts pond through to Bottlescrew hill. The area contained 4 ponds, woodland, grazing land and a quarry, all to be used as a camp site and activity area. The Valley Supporters Group was started by raising money to buy the land and have continued for the last Forty plus years to continue to support the valley today. We were lucky enough through the dedication of past members, the supporters including the local community we were able to raise the fund to be able to purchase the Valley. The site was dedicated in May 1982 and became known as Swiss Valley.
The area is a great asset to the group allowing the sections to utilise it through out the year, with evening activities, activities or camps.

The Land is also available for other Scout groups to use as a Greenfield campsite which is registered with the Scout Association. If you would like anymore information or to book then please get in touch on the land wardens email below. A dedicated team of land wardens, lead by our Head warden manage and maintain this area by looking after the woodland management, the water ways and fencing etc. This is an on-going task but they meet a couple of time a month for regular work parties. If you would like to know more click on our get involved page to find out more.
For more information or to contact our valley team please email us on landwardens@looseswissscouts.com